Rabu, 02 Maret 2011



WALA ALA BALO (It' s not on her mind)

Chorus :
Habibi wala ala balo shoqi elei .
My darling has no clue about my love for her .

Wana shagheil bali anadi alei .
She' s on my mind and so I call for her .

We layali keteer afakar fee, we ahein elei , wala daari .
And many nights I think of her, and long for her , but she has no clue .

Kefaya enni baalo leila we yom,
It' s enough that it ' s been a day and a night ,

Alatool fe khayali we mafish nom .
That she has been on my mind, and I can ' t sleep at night .

We layali keteer afakar fee, we ahein elei , wala daari .
And many nights I think of her, and long for her , but she has no clue .

( Chorus )

( Chorus )

Eiono feeh kalam fe leil ghallab ,
Her eyes tell me words that I cant resist .

Mala albi gharam fe ahla azab .
They filled my heart with love and the sweetest of tortures.

We layali keteer afakar fee, we ahein elei , wala daari .
And many nights I think of her, and long for her , but she has no clue .

English Rap:
Dance to the beat with the rhythm of the Nile. Egyptian sounds from the land of the Nile .
Dance to the beat with the rhythm of the Nile. Egyptian sounds from the land of the Nile .
Dance to the beat - with the dance to the beat - with the dance - with the dance to the band of the Nile . Mystical , magical , and digital sound . Amr Diab ' s remix have gotten around . 3 -2 -1 Let ' s dance!
( Chorus )

maw taw klipnya gimana?


Nabi Muhammad SAW menempati kedudukan nomor satu daftar manusia yang paling berpengaruh dalam panggung sejarah dunia, dihitung sampai sekarang.
Hal ini dinyatakan oleh Michael H . Hart , seorang ahli astronomi dan ahli sejarah terkenal di Amerika Serikat dalam bukunya "The 100 " yang terbit baru- baru Amerika Serikat. Menurut Michael Hart , Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah orang yang paling berpengaruh di antara milyaran penduduk dunia, karena ia adalah satu - satunya manusia yang berhasil secara luar biasa baik dalam kegiatan keagamaan maupun pemerintahan

Daftar nama 100 orang paling berpengaruh itu selengkapnya adalah :
1 . Nabi Muhammad SAW_51. Umar bin Khatab
2 . Isaac Newton _52. Asoka
3 . Nabi Isa_53. Sam Augustine
4 . Buddha_54. Max Planck
5 . Confucius_55. John Calvin
6 . Saint Paul _56. William Morton
7 . Thai Lun _57. William Harvey
8 . Johan Gutemberg _58. Antoine Becquerel
9 . Christopher Columbus _59. Greger Mendel
10. Albert Einstein _60. Joseph Lister _
11. Karl Marx _61. Nicholas August Otto
12. Louis Pasteur _62. Louis Daguerre
13. Galileo Galilei _63. Joseph Stalin
14. Aristoteles _64. Rene Descartes _
15. V . I . Lenin _65. Julius Caesar
16. Nabi Musa _66. Francisco Pizarro
17. Charles Darwin _67. Hernando Cortes
18. Chin Huang Ti _68. Ratu Isabella I
19. Agustus Caesar_ 69. William the Congqueror 20. Mao Tse -tung _70. Thomas Jefferson
21. Genghis Khan _71. Jean Jacques Rousseau
22. Euclid _72. Edward Jenner
23. Martin Luther _73. Wilhelm Rontgen
24. Nicolas Copernicus _74. Johan Sebastian Bach 25. James Watt _75. Lau -tzu
26. Constantine the Great _76. Enrico Ferni
27. George Washington _77. Thomas Maltus
28. Michael Faraday _78. Francis Bacon
29. James Clerk Maxwell _79. Voltaire
30. Orville dan Wilbur Wright _80. John F. Kennedy
31. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier_ 81. Gregory Pincus 32. Sigmund Freud _82. Sui Wen Ti
33. lskandar Zulkarnaen _83. Mani ( Manes )
34. Napoleon Bonaparte _84. Vasco da Gama
35. Adolf Hitler _85. Charlemagne
36. William Shakespeare _86. Cyrys the Great
37. Adam Smith _87. Leonard Euler
38. Thomas Edison _88. Nicollo Machiavelli
39. Anton van Leuwenhoek _89. Zoroaster
40. Plato _90. Menes
41. Gugleilmo Marconi _91. Peter the Great
42. Ludwig van Beethoven _92. Mencius
43, Werner Heisenberg _93. John Dalton
44. Alexander G Bell _94. Homer
45. Alexander Fleming_ 95. Ratu Elizabeth I
46. Simon Bolivar _96. Justinian I
47. Oliver Cromwell _97. Johannes Kepler
48. John Locke _98. Pablo Picasso
49. Michelangelo _99. Mahavira
50. Pans Urban II _100 . Niels Bohr
itulah 100 profile orang-orang yang paling berprngaruh di dunia dari jaman ke jaman